The new Ukrainian interior minister, Arsen Avakov, said that this military invasion was a violation of international treaties and norms and that it is a provocation to start a bloodshed in a sovereign state.
The White House said any Russian military intervention in Ukraine would be a "grave mistake", and is also considering the possibility of pulling out of the G8 summit in Russia. This would be a huge stroke for Putin, especially if this decision is backed by European G8 members (UK, Italy, Germany and France). A Russian intervention in Ukraine would make almost impossible the presence of US and European leaders in Sochi, the next June.
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Pro-Russian Cossacks rally outside the Crimean building in Simferopol |
The gunmen, who hold the parliament and the airports, said that they are part of a self-defense group, which has started as a consequence of the demonstrations in Kiev. Their identity is still a “mystery”. Nevertheless, specialists on land warfare don’t think the same. "When you see a new militia, they will have a jumble-sale look. These lots are uniformly dressed and equipped and seem competent and efficient."
The crisis began, when Ukrainian people protested against the Pro-Russian government, in bloody demonstrations in Kiev. Yanukovych, after some days of disappearance, resurfaced in the southern Russian city of Rostov-on-Don, saying that he was the legitimate president of Ukraine and that he was “surprised” by the lack of action that showed Putin. In the terrible presentation of Yanukovych, he defended the Ukrainian territory and claimed that presidential elections scheduled for 25 May were illegitimate.
Russian parliament is working on a new law, which makes easier the process for new territories to be added by Russia, through the use of a referendum in regions where the host country doesn’t have a “legitimate government”. "If as the result of a referendum, Crimea appeals to Russia with a desire to join us, we should have the legal mechanisms to answer." Said the member of the Russian parliament, Elena Mizulina. Another law under discussion would ease the procedures for Russian speaking Ukrainians to receive Russian citizenship.

The Russian nationalist politician Vladimir Zhirinovsky is cheering crowds in Sevastopol, promising them financial benefits and psychological support, against the new government in Kiev.

The country needs to get back to work rapidly; the Ukrainian economy
is facing a high risk of default. Outside Crimea, the new government has been recognized as legitimate; however, Ukraine has a lot of work to do to restart the functioning of the state.
"The entry of Russian troops would be a deep humiliation for Ukraine … It would be a second Chechnya." said Igor Sutyagin, a Russian military expert.
Stressful, this would be the word I would choose to describe the Ukrainian situation. At the beginning of this conflict, I thought that the reasons, which explained the troubles of Ukraine, came from inside the country. Today, I realize how wrong I was.
The Ukrainian conflict hides the interests of other nations. For one side, we have the European Union and United States, for the other one, we have Russia. The west and the east are in a tense calm once again.
"Grave mistake", these were the two words that United States chose to warn Russia from its intervention in Crimea. And of course, United States and the European Union want to stop the military invasion, we are talking about the most important peninsula in the black sea, which is as big as Belgium. They don’t want that Russia take control of this region, because it would give it an excellent strategic geographic place. From Crimea, Russia could have access to all the black sea, which borders with Eastern Europe and Asia.
I really think that the International community should focus all its efforts in supporting the sovereignty of Ukraine in this region. Crimea has been part of Ukraine for more than two decades, and although is a territory highly influenced by the Russian culture, this is not a reason which justifies an invasion or even worse, a Russian seizure.
Without the support of the international organizations, Ukraine will lose for sure this territory. This country is in the edge. It could enter in default at any moment and face an economic crisis. Ukraine is weak and it cannot stop the Putin´s power. That’s why it´s absolutely important that organizations like the United Nations or the NATO act against the Russian invasion.
I found really curious these new laws in which the Russian Parliament is working. One law ease the process of territories who wants to belong to Russia and the other one grant the Russian nationality for Russian-speakers Ukrainians. ¿Coincidence? I don’t think so. It’s obvious what the intention of Russia is. They´re working on adding a new territory and these new laws are the proofs. Crimean peninsula is their target.
Yanukovych is an actor very important in this issue. Thanks to him, Ukraine is living this struggle. But, ¿where is he?, ¿is he trying at least to solve this conflict?, ¿does he have the courage to stand up for his country and the people who elected him?, of course not. He´s hidden in Russia (Rostov-on-Don), while Ukraine faces its worst moment. He also is wondering why Vladimir Putin “abandoned” him and didn’t send its “support” to control the anger of the people.
The courage of Ukrainian people is something that I admire so much. They didn’t let that Yanukovych imposed what he wanted. The Ukrainians took the control of their country and defended it in the right way. However, not all the Ukrainians acted in a proper way, and I am talking of the Berkut riot police. They should feel ashamed for the excess of force they used against their compatriots. As Thomas Jefferson said, “If a law is unjust, a man is not only right to disobey, he is obligated to do so”
The tension is in the air like in the Cold War days, and a possible international conflict could result if the east and the west collide in Crimea. All my support for the Ukrainian people.
no me parece que Rusia se debe meter en la soberanía de Ucrania, este es un país independiente y capaz de sobrellevar los problemas. ademas que son por intereses opuestos. la noticia mas importante del momento